
Just meat??? No!! This is Bulgogi !

2011102855  이장원  Jangwon Lee

Hello~~! I’m coming with Bulgogi!!!! Bulgogi is a very delicious food!! Personally I love meat. So I love this food very much. Now I introduce to you about Bulgogi history and Bulgogi fusion food.
The history of Bulgogi started at 17 century. In 17 century, there was a record. It says “Spread the beef evenly and pound them with back of the knife to soften them. Skewer the beef and season them in sesame oil with salt. When it is marinaded enough, cook them under heat. When the meat is cooking dip in the water and cook them again. Repeating this process makes the meat taste better and softer.” This is the first Bulgogi’s image. Like this, Bulgogi has very long history. The name “Bulgogi” is used first in about 1950.

Now I look into existing Bulgogi fusion foods. First, Bulgogi burger. As you know, this is already famous food. Every fast food restaurant sell this food. Taste also very delicious. Because Bulgogi is one of the meats, maybe people love this without hesitation.

Second food that is introduced by me is also already famous food. That is Bulgogi pizza. This food is also sold in every pizza restaurant. I think Bulgogi and pizza are well-matched. Pizza is made with various topping such as paprika, cheese, potatoes, ham etc. So in these various topping, spread Bulgogi pieces. Then that is all.

 I love these two fusion food. I think Bulgogi is better known than Kimchi. Because Bulgogi suits people’s taste more than Kimchi. So maybe Bulgogi is easier to broaden across the world. I anticipate more fusion food that is famous in the world. Of course, now there are many Bulgogi fusion foods. But these need more become known. On the other hand, I think original bulgogi is competitive good. Because Bulgogi is not spicy. If Bulgogi is sold in the other nation, ih should sell well.

If you want more information about Bulgogi history, go to http://blog.naver.com/knightblack?Redirect=Log&logNo=10096913835.
Next, I come back with doenjang. See you later~!

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